
Username: natas22
Password: d8rwGBl0Xslg3b76uh3fEbSlnOUBlozz
URL: http://natas22.natas.labs.overthewire.org


Burp Suite is a proprietary software tool for security assessment and penetration testing of web applications. It software was initially developed in 2003-2006 by Dafydd Stuttard to automate his own security testing needs, after realizing the capabilities of automatable web tools like Selenium. Source.
Burp Suite tutorial and usefull guides:
Port Swigger.
URL manipulation is one of the easiest attacks to perform. It can be performed by users who are innocently curious or by hackers who are probing for vulnerabilities. URLs are not just addresses for browsers and servers to use as users go from page to page using links. They are requests from the browser to the server which act as a low-level form of programming. When the browser requests X from the server, the server responds with Y. There is nothing to keep users from entering other “commands” into the browser bar to see what the server will give them back.


For the first time, the index page is actually empty.


Let`s take a look at the source code in order to see what happens behind.
Relevant code :

if(array_key_exists("revelio", $_GET)) {
    // only admins can reveal the password
    if(!($_SESSION and array_key_exists("admin", $_SESSION) and $_SESSION["admin"] == 1)) {
    header("Location: /");
    if(array_key_exists("revelio", $_GET)) {
    print "You are an admin. The credentials for the next level are:<br>";
    print "<pre>Username: natas23\n";
    print "Password: <censored></pre>";

This will basically spit out the contents present in the second function if there is a parameter revelio present. There is no need for session variable injection since you can just pass the parameter in the URL. Our value should be ?revelio since ? marks the beggining of the query string.


Even tho I added the parameter, there doesn`t seem to be any response. The next logical step would be to pass it through Burp in order to be able to view the http response. I`ll send the captured packet in the repeater.


That seems to be enough.
Found credentials :
Username: natas23
Password: dIUQcI3uSus1JEOSSWRAEXBG8KbR8tRs